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Psychics That Enjoy Dating

I want to share with you my story of dating a psychic. Back in 1973, I came across a man that was working with a man in my office that told me that he was a psychic reader. I asked myself if he would be willing to share his insight with me. I was shocked to find out that he said yes. I was wondering and even asking myself if I should trust him since I was totally blinded by my own attraction for him and my lust to want to know more about my life as a whole. He took me to his apartment in Las Angeles and we began to see something in me that I had no idea existed.

He told me that I was still struggling from a past problem that I had growing up. He allowed me to close my eyes in front of him and to focus on what this thing actually was. Before I even said anything, he told me that I was struggling from an inferior complex from my dad that actually made me so angry at times that I felt as though I could not be successful in business.

He was completely correct. I decided to tap into this area a little bit more. What made this so weird for me is that I didn't know how to tell my dad that I loved him and that I wanted to learn from him. All of my life, I only wanted to battle him because he was very cold towards me and not loving at all.

I decided to allow him to become a competitition for me rather than a love for me. I felt as though I loved my father, but it was not real love. I was wanting to beat him in his own game so that he would love me more. The interesting thing here is that I didn't say anything at all, but the psychic was telling me everything while my eyes were shut. I felt as though this man who's name I shall call Mike was closer to me than I was to my own self. He knew me better than I knew myself and that shocked me.

Mike was showing me that he was not about to play any kinds of games with my emotions. I was 25 years old back then and he became the man that I decided to date. When we dated, our relationship became so intense that I didn't know if we were going to be together forever. I thought to myself that perhaps we loved one another, but that I had to give him my heart more deeply. I felt like I couldn't do this and Mike knew it.

I couldn't continue in my relationship with Mike because I couldn't love him in the way that he needed to be love. His love was so pure and so was his light. I was hungry for love and for companionship. I wanted more from Mike and he was going to give me his love once and for all. I couldn't deal with this. I decided to end my dating relatioship with Mike because I felt like I wasn't worthy to receive his love.

At this point in my life, I sit back and think about Mike constantly and wonder if he thinks about me to. I should have never stopped dating Psychic Mike because our love was of pure energy. However its to late now since I believe he is married. My message to you is that when you find love, never loose it because when you do, you will regret it twenty years down the road. Listen to the psychic voices that are around you.

Charlie Reese is a full time psychic advisor and author. Charlie also enjoys studying about astrology and tarot. Charlie is a blogger and chart writer as well.

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